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Courses and clubs up and down the country have been brought together to celebrate this very special inaugural event

For more information hit the "Event Info" button. 

Here you can find all the locations involved!


Want to know more about the sport that is Disc Golf?

Well take a look below.




for KIDS

disc golf basket

Credit must go to :

Best Disc Golf Discs - Video Guide Series

Such a fantastic video explaining exactly what disc golf is in the easiest way possible.

If you're more of a reader then click the link above the video for more information.

Why not suggest one of your favourite videos for us to share?

Or perhaps you have a video of your very own

that you would like us to consider featuring on the website?


If so, get in touch


Please note - Making videos is really easy and great fun but be careful while those Frisbee's are flying!


Video of the Day
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What is
Golf ?
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Robert J Mcleod cartoon
Team Disc Golf School logo
Robert J Mcleod cartoon
RickRick cartoon
Robb Hamilton
Matilda Ringbom
Matilda Ringbom cartoon
Sam Banner cartoon
will be in attendance for
Latest News
The Tower Cafe & Newcastle join - NATIONAL DISC GOLF DAY 2018

#DiscGolfSchoolMedia will be the official videographers on site for the #40thBritishOpen.

We will be completing 5 productions in total with a little twist.

1 - Round 1 : Random
2 - Round 2 : Random
3 - Round 3 : Derek's Round
4 - Final : MPO Lead Card
5 - Entire Event Including Friday

Rounds 1 & 2 will be picked out of a hat at random by QP staff members, before the beginning of each round. 

This gives everyone an opportunity to be featured in our very first professional quality tournament production. And where better than the wizards palace. 

Can't wait to see you all there. Let's see if that ace pot can't be won! 

Good luck one and all.

Big thanks to Derek Robins, founder of Quarry Park - Disc Golf , for welcoming us to his home.

#randomfeaturecards #MPOfinal #DelBoyround#quarrypark #leamingtonspa #DGSmedia#discgolfschool #discschool #britishopen #discgolf#growthesport


To be updated

Longford Park
Upcoming Events
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July 7th & 8th

3 Days 


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