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Who inspires you and why?

The Ringbom's #teamDGS

There are 7.442 billion people in the world and i, along with many others, are privileged to know that select few that REALLY inspire us.

But why? What is it about these people that is so endearing? The 4 individuals above are a force to be reckoned with. 4 members of Team Disc Golf School that all hail from beautiful Sweden.

The Ringboms.

But more importantly, it's how I met them that stands out and how inspiring they were everyday during the World Championships in Basingstoke last year and beyond.

WFDF World Overall Flying Disc Championships logo

The tournament was amazing! It changed my life in so many ways. It was even the catalyst for starting my two other companies, Disc School & Disc Golf Holiday.

One family stood out during the week as champions of champions.

We have Emanuel, Susanne, Matilda & Max.

Now the reason they have special mention is for two reasons. One, their kindness and hard work that shone through everyday. The Hamilton's & I would have been lost without them.

The second reason is hard to put into words but I will do my best. The final days of the event were really tough, physically & emotionally.

There even came a time when I had to leave the confines of the rugby pitch where HQ was based and have a little cry in the car park leaning up against what I think was Juliana Korvers transportation (hired car I think) clicked on it may of been hers as later that day she gave me some killer discs, like this gorgeous Wraith.

RickRick Wraith Pro Innova Juliana Korver Team Innova

During my tearful moment, Matilda & Susanne approached me, gave me a big hug then got right to work on showing me their "brand new revolutionary" freestyle frisbee routine they had been practising.

Now this was the funniest thing


I was crying for a different reason now. It was a fully improvised "mimed" collaboration with no actual frisbee of any sort


THEN, Max camping flying in, and Emanuel!!! We must of been going for a good 10 minutes when none other than Robb Groovy Hamilton spotted the opportunity hahaha he also took up a space in the epic Swedish/English Jam session.

Robb was suffering too, we had had maybe 6hrs sleep to that point in the event, after 5days! So the Jam was needed!

I love the Ringbom's. They are adorable. Absolutely fantastic people. If you ever get a chance to meet them, you will most definitely feel the same way. You can find them over in Sweden and various tournaments throughout the year. Always on hand helping beginners and generally being awesome. Matilda is also one of Europe's very best under 18 women's disc golfers. GO MATILDA!

I want to hear about your frisbee stories too. Let me know who inspires you. Maybe it's a family member or a friend, you choose. Remember those very first moments in disc golf and who was on your first card, perhaps the player that showed you for the very first time off the course. Again, you choose, we want to hear your story.

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