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#frisbeewomen Where are thee?

I have had the pleasure of playing with some fantastic female disc'ers over the years and I do say disc'ers as they have more than just disc golf skills up there sleave.

My first experience was two fold. A lovely young lady from Colchester called Sophie Southgate. The only other player, at the time, that was wearing football boots for there round at Burnlaw, my local stomping ground. Oh you certainly need good footing on the beautifully designed farm course, very natural it is.

Sophie is a fantastic player, such a cannon for a drive and a great all round player.

Another legend living among us is Sue Underwood, one half of the most famous disc'n couple in British disc history, aptly named, "The Titans." (invented by the doubles team, "The Boss Brothers")

She has been a member of the PDGA since the year 2000 and reached a rating of 924 in 2010. With over 26 career wins, a domination over the women's division for over 15 years and a spirit for the game that is felt by all, quite the full package indeed. Truly a magnificent lady. Having Ivan Bromage in tow ain't half bad either. He is also, BIG TIME, a Buzzz master and gentle giant.

At present, we have an ever growing women's following for disc golf in the UK. 4 in particular come to mind that have been actively competing for over 2 years now. Sian Lee, Emily & Tracey Hamilton and Erin, very different people but all brilliant players.

I am sure and know for a fact, that there are others out there. Even Estonia has thrown there hat into the ring! Where are you British female slingers!?

Here at Disc Golf School we grow the sport FOR YOU. ALL OF YOU. To think that wouldn't include all of these wonderful people, or maybe Valerie Jenkins, Paige Pierce, you name it, absolutely no one is left out. This world of disc sports is thankfully for us all, no matter the age limit, skill level, gender, race, size, it really caters for the world.

There are two big tournaments coming up on the British calendar. The Rubber Biscuit in Dunbar, Scotland & The (later than normal) Burnlaw Equinox, North East of England.

I really do hope to see as many competitors as possible but ladies, please do attend also, in droves! If you are knew to the game, every player competing will be there to help you along the way.

Maybe some international interest? I know you guys in Sweden would love both of these courses. Especially Dunbar in the Bluebell Woods. Ever so beautiful.

Or perhaps elsewhere, USA, France, Germany etc.... ALL ARE WELCOME. Lets continue the growth, continue the revolution but NEVER, EVER forget about female disc sports.

Looking for inspiration? Look to Julian Korver, she is quite a special human being, inspiring like so many, look her up if you don't already follow her sunshine filled career.

Finally, a sport for every single one of us. #frisbeewomen

Like and share this post if you would like to see more women in disc sports. Why not tell me about some inspirational female disc'ers in your life? Some great shots or moments? You decide.

Thanks for reading.

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